High Performance Modules

Our High-Performance Peltier/Thermoelectric Modules (TEM´s) are typically used in experimental instruments, chillers, PCR cyclers, and analyzers.

Because of the larger hot side ceramic, these modules bring extra dissipation capacity, higher cooling efficiency and longer working life. Our standard list of High-Performance TEM includes sizes from 30x30mm to 55x55mm.

Part No.  Model No.  I max (A) Th = 27°C Dimensions (mm)
Q max (W) V max (V) ΔT max (°C) A B C D
TEM47471 HP-127040 3.9 35.0 15.4 71 30 30 34 3.6
TEM47472 HP-127040 3.9 37.0 15.4 72 40 40 44 4.6
TEM47473 HP-127060 6.0 55.0 15.4 72 40 40 44 3.9
TEM47474 HP-161050 5.5 60.8 20.0 67 40 40 44 3.6
TEM47475 HP-161070 7.0 77.8 18.3 70 40 40 44 3.3
TEM47476 HP-127080 8.5 77.0 15.4 72 40 40 44 3.3
TEM47477 HP-199120 12.4 166.4 24.1 70 40 40 44 3.1
TEM47478 HP-241060 6.0 106.0 28.2 72 55 55 55 4.3

All specifications are subject to change without notice.