Italian Plug Types

Italian Power Cord products, with IMQ certification, are manufactured to CEI 23-16 and IEC standards designed for Italian power applications. We offer Italian power cords with standard cable configurations and can supply custom versions as well. All of our Italian power cords have fully moulded plugs, produced using high-quality materials that are RoHS and REACH compliant. Cordsets may be supplied fitted with IEC 60320 C7, C5, C13, C14, C15, and C19 connectors.

The Italian earthed plug standard, CEI 23-16/VII, includes two models rated at 10A and 16A, that differ in contact diameter and spacing (see below for details). The 10A plug is called IT1-10P, or S11. The 16A plug is called IT2-16P, or S17. This plug is also commonly used in Chile. The 10A style extends CEE 7/16 by adding a central earthing pin of the same gauge. The 16A style looks like a magnified version of the 10A style, identical in shape. The pins of the 16A version are 5mm in diameter, whilst the 10A version are 4 mm.

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